Let’s talk about death
When it comes to end of life planning, having someone you can discuss your wishes with is an important part. Talking to those close to you can help everyone understand your feelings and allows them to voice any concerns they have.
It can also provide you an opportunity to tell those close to you how much they mean to you and vice versa.
We understand talking to loved ones about end of life planning can be difficult but in the end it can help make it easier for them to express your wishes and know they are doing right by you.
Some things you might want to consider when talking to your friends and family:
- Give your loved ones advance notice so they can prepare for the conversation.
- That it’s OK to be emotional. Talking about end of life isn’t easy and everyone will process the conversation differently.
- Take your time. You don’t need to rush the conversation and get everything out in one go. You can decide to talk about your wishes over a length of time and discuss one element of your plan at a time.
- Explain why you want to have the conversation. It can be hard for family to hear about your plans for the end of your life but if they know why you want to have the conversation it’ll make it easier for everyone involved.
- Choose a place to talk where you are comfortable and won’t be interrupted.
There is no guide to talking about end of life and there is no right or wrong way to do it. There is only how you feel most comfortable to approach the subject. If you don’t want to have the conversation, that’s OK too. You should only do what you want.
Next steps
Helpful organisations for end of life planning
A list of organisations which you might find useful when thinking about your end of life plan.
Planning your funeral
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Making a will
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