Looking after your physical health whilst staying at home is really important. If you're looking for some inspiration and ideas of how to get moving, keep reading!

It can be hard to get motivated sometimes when it comes to exercise, but we've come up with some simple ideas you can try yourself or with your family which should be both fun and rewarding.

Easy ideas to try today

- Walk briskly around the perimeter of the house.
- Walk up and down the stairs for 10 - 15 minutes, two or three times per day.
- Dance to your favourite music.
- Get gardening

Online exercise classes

Joe Wicks
Following the example set by our Speedwell Court residents why not try The Body Coach Joe Wicks easy to follow workout sessions for older people on YouTube. Click here for his workouts for older people.

Move It or Lose It
Move It or Lose It are a great online platform that provide a range of resources to encourage people to enjoy exercising and stay fit in and indoor environment. Click here for their YouTube channel or here for their website.

Some of their great videos include:

The Cuppa Routine – four simple exercises you can do in the kitchen every time you boil the kettle.

Print friendly exercise sheets

Download the exercises below, all of which have come from the NHS.

- Seated exercises 
- Strength exercises 
- Flexibility exercises 
- Balance exercises 

Speedwell Court x Joe Wicks

Recently our residents at Speedwell Court took part in one of Joe Wicks exercise for seniors classes and had a great time! Hopefully this will give you an extra bit of inspiration to start keeping fit today.

It started off easy enough but by the end you could tell you'd done some good exercise and our bodies would be grateful for it. We're enjoying our daily exercises at Speedwell Court, be it joining in with Joe Wicks or getting outside in the amazing garden we're so lucky to have.

- Resident at Speedwell Court
