The Abbeyfield Society has been ranked sixth in a list of the best UK social care companies to work for in 2023.

The rating was compiled by Breakroom, an online community platform that helps users to find more about a whether a company they are considering working for would meet their needs and expectations. Through a unique survey of front-line shift workers, a profile of each company was built based on factors including pay, hours and flexibility and workplace environment. Contrary to other similar employee satisfaction ratings, office staff and senior management – whose views can be quite different from frontline workers – were not surveyed.

In the Breakroom survey, Abbeyfield front-line staff in particular highlighted the support they receive from their colleagues, the respect they receive from their managers and the ability to balance their work life with other responsibilities as contributing factors that make it a good company to work for. They also identified the high level of training they receive, the amount of notice they are given about their shifts and the ease at which they can book leave as positive benefits of Abbeyfield employment.


"We are delighted to score amongst the best social care companies to work for in the UK. As well as the wellbeing of our residents, which is always our top priority, the satisfaction of our staff has been an area we have particularly focused on recently. This ranking will sit alongside other recent achievements, such as our accreditation as a menopause-friendly employer; the shortlisting of a number of our staff for the Great British Care Awards; and being recognised as one of the best large companies to work for in the UK by the Best Companies b-Heard staff engagement survey. We look forward to focusing on how we can improve our score for next year so that we can break into the top five."

Gail Manley, Abbeyfield HR Director